Roberto Piccinin | SPIN Coach


Roberto is a retired French Immersion teacher. A career that brought me great satisfaction. Seeing students reach their full potential, as students, as well as human beings, was the ultimate reward.

As a young boy, my first bike, a single speed clunker, was given to me by an uncle. It got me everywhere I needed to go.

I entered my first bike race at 14; a 40kms road event. By then, I owned a 3 speed CCM. The opposition (12 of them) all had, very light, top of the line 9 speeds. I don’t know how I survived. I must have died 100 times. I finished 3rd. I was immediately hooked. From there, my cycling competencies evolved. I still love the sport today, as I did then.

What is so special about my involvement with cycling and more so, with SES spin sessions? I love to see people succeed, as well as, being a witness to each and everyone of my spin mates’ progression. I am so privileged to have a fantastic positive minded group each Wednesday.
We all come to spin class with certain genetics, athetic ambitions and goals and we strive to do the best we can with what we have.

Yet, these goals and ambitions can also be translated to life paths, may they be related to careers, family, health or our daily interactions with others. I’m certain that spin classes encompass those outcomes, as well.

Give a SES spin class a try. I know that you won’t regret your decision and you might even get hooked, as I did at 14.